ecuador assassination video – fernando villavicencio video

 Ecuadorian presidential candidate Villavicencio shot dead in attack Suspect in killing of candidate Fernando Villavicencio dies from injuries sustained during capture.


Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio speaks during a campaign rally in Quito, Ecuador August 9, 2023.

Ecuadorian presidential candidate known for speaking up against cartels and corruption was shot and killed Wednesday at a political rally in the capital, amid a startling wave of gang-driven violence in the South American country.

President Guillermo Lasso confirmed the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio and suggested organized crime was behind his slaying, less than two weeks before the Aug. 20 presidential election.

I assure you that this crime will not go unpunished,” Lasso said in a statement. “Organized crime has gone too far, but they will feel the full weight of the law.

Karen Toro The late Ecuadorean presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio speaks during a campaign rally in Quito, Ecuador, on August 9, 2023.

Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was shot and killed following a campaign rally in the capital Quito,

while a suspect in the killing later died from injuries sustained during a shootout that lead to his capture, the country’s president.

Lasso confirmed the killing of Villavicencio on Wednesday and promised the crime would not go unpunished.

Outraged and shocked by the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. My solidarity and condolences to his wife and daughters.

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